Friday, November 19, 2010

London Concert!

Today was the concert in London!!! I don't know much about it yet, but as soon as I do I'll post!!
The concert was held at St. George's Cathedral, in London.

I can't wait to hear how it went! I know there were a bunch of French and Japanese fans there, that's a long way to travel! I have been begging my mom for the past few months to let me go to this, but I'm affraid the trip from the US to London isn't to easy to do during the school year...

EDIT: It went wonderfuly! There were 7 new boys,
Ciaran Bradberry-Hickey
Ben Fairman
Luis Fernandes
Thomas Delgada-Little
Matthew Madine ( At Arundal)
Dylan ( Chester,Bristol)
Barney ( Chester,Bristol),
but still no James T...

and pretty much the same lineup of songs, as in Bristol and Chester. I was really excited to hear that at the beginning of the 'Libera' intro, Stefan went "Are you the door are you the key-EEE" I aboslutly love that!
So grateful to hear Josh was still there!! And I'm extremly glad the concert went quite well, with an amazing turn out! About 700 fans were there!

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