Friday, April 1, 2011

Song of Life - New Libera song!

Hello All! Sorry for the huge lack of updates, I've had hours of homework each night, to get ready for state testing, and then a huge chor contest that I had today!
 I know I'm pretty late on this, but I finally have time to update on the new Libera song, called Song of Life! It will be featured in the new Japanese TV show "Madonna Verde" as well as the new Mini Album "Miracle of Life" . Song of Life was written by Japanese composer Takatsugu Muramatsu, who also composed Far Away and you Were There. Miracle of Life will be released on April 13, and will feature the following:
1) Song of Life
2) Far Away
3) You Were There
4) Salva Me
5) Eternal Light
6) I am the Day
7) Deep Peace

Song of Life is now my new favorite song, after hearing it in Canada! It's super beautiful!
The lyrics were printed in the program, so I decided to type them up!

There’s a whisper in the dark
As a new life comes to be.
Then a song begins to form

As it finds the harmony
With a chorus of sound
Of the world all around
Now it blends in the tune
Joining the endless song of life.

We shall never be alone
As we link our hearts in one
Joining voices from above,
All in the miracle of life.
Through the ages we will grow
Only time will ever know,
As our voices magnify,
All in the miracle of life.

Love plays along in our lives yet to come
As we join the song of life.

Now the music starts to build
As the words begin to rhyme
Then another lends a tune
As their voices now combine
With the chorus of sound
Of the world all around
Now they blend their tune
Sharing the endless song of life.

We shall never be alone
As we link our hearts in one
Joining voices from above,
All the miracle of life,
Through the ages we will grow
Only time will ever know,
As our voices magnify,
All in the miracle of life.

Love plays along in our lives yet to come
As we join in the song of life

 The first verse can be heard in this video, and the chorus can be heard here.

Can't wait until it comes out!


  1. The one other song is Deep Peace.

  2. Thanks! I just saw that last night, but fell asleep before I could edit it! :D

  3. ola .. meu nome é jaqueline e moro no Brasil... eu amos o som de libera e espero um dia ir la conhecê-los pessoalmente.

    voce tem as partituras das musicas que eles cantam? se tiver me manda pois irei ensaiar um coral de meninos que tenho aqui no brasil. manda no meu email:

    um abraço


  4. hello .. My name is jaqueline and I live in Brazil ... I sample the sound of releases and I hope one day go there to meet them personally.

    you have the scores of songs that they sing? if you send me because I will rehearse a choir of boys I have here in Brazil. send to my email: @ jaqueline.vb

    a hug

